The Emotion Code

The Emotion Code is the latest form of energy healing created by Dr. Bradley Nelson using muscle-testing (Kinesiology) to determine which negative emotions are trapped in your body, and then releasing each trapped emotion one at a time.  Trapped emotions can create pain, malfunction and eventual physical and/or psychological disorders. They basically are those annoying relatives that you don’t see much, but they still manage to make you feel like crap/garbage. They can exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices that you make, how you react to everyday challenges, and can prevent you from living life to the fullest.

6 Energy Healing Benefits of The Emotion Code

Rosalie Miles - When life has lost its lustre, I can help you shine!

Remove barriers to love and increase your ability to connect

Rosalie Miles - When life has lost its lustre, I can help you shine!

Experience more abundance and open the door to prosperity

Rosalie Miles - When life has lost its lustre, I can help you shine!

Heal your own emotional baggage, as well that of past and future generations

Rosalie Miles - When life has lost its lustre, I can help you shine!

Clear all the trauma that is blocking your heart to unlock a new ‘you’

Rosalie Miles - When life has lost its lustre, I can help you shine!

Experience relief from distress and suffering, and alleviate their potential causes

Rosalie Miles - When life has lost its lustre, I can help you shine!

Help pets and other animals have an improved quality of life and feel better