Matrix Reimprinting

Matrix Reimprinting

Simply put, Matrix Reimprinting is a technique that connects people with their past traumas and core beliefs and elegantly enables them to transform them into supportive platforms for their lives. 

Our beliefs shape our thoughts, and provide fuel for our emotional reactions and shape our reality. 

So If we can change our beliefs, well, we can change anything!

The conscious mind is the one that is conscious of itself, the one we make our New Year goals with, it holds our wishes and desires, it’s creative and not time-dependent. 

The subconscious contains all the programmes of everything you’ve ever learnt; from brushing your teeth, walking, making a phone call to the programmes of whether it feels safe to be in a romantic relationship, or if a certain animal has a reaction attached to it (phobia). Will power alone does not change these programmes and beliefs. A traumatic event is live in the subconscious. 

Matrix Reimprinting is a bridge between the conscious and  the subconscious mind and helps find the root causes of old patterns and beliefs by reimprinting events that are stored in the subconscious.

I am ready to reclaim my body and mind

Rosalie Miles - When life has lost its lustre, I can help you shine!