Cutting Cords:
Release Energetic Binds

As we move through our lives — growing, learning, evolving — it’s important that we let go of that which no longer serves us.
When we let go, we  are creating space  to allow new , possibility’s & new beginnings in all areas.

Cord cutting is a very common practice

The practice of cord cutting helps to recover energy that has been lost and to re-establish healthy energetic boundaries.

Cutting Energy Cords For Creating New Space

When we enter into relationship with someone, whether it is with family, friend, intimate partner, colleague, someone we have regular dealings with, or even an individual that you meet in passing, we develop energetic cords. Now, these cords aren’t necessarily bad. They actually help us to form connection and understanding with one another.
When we are connected energetically, we perceive on a much deeper level and have the ability to tune into the energy of another. We are all energy beings; while we tend to interact with the world through our five physical senses, the truth is that our primary means of relating is energetically.

Making The Transition By Letting Go

Each day we are evolving. Learning and growing beyond what we once were. Holding on to what was would prevent us from moving forward.
If we were to continue accumulating all of the left overs from every past thought, action and experience, we would be heavily weighted down by the burden of it all.
When we transition from one way of being to another, whether that is via relationship with another person or simply how we relate to life, it is necessary to let go of what is no longer helpful. In terms of relationship with others, we tend to hold onto much more than is healthy for us energetically, physically and even spiritually.

Cutting energy cords helps to move through transition without the burden of carrying the weight of the past. It frees us to move forward with lightness and a sense of openness.

I am ready to reclaim my body and mind