My name is Charlotte, I am 56 years old and currently live in Turkey. I have suffered since a teenager on and off with depression but in the last 20 something years have also been plagued with extreme anxiety and panic attacks. As a single mum this has been, to say the least, challenging. Life events have undoubtedly affected my mental state and with the use of medication and alcohol I have managed to stay afloat. My anxiety reached new levels during this pandemic and my alcohol consumption rocketed to dangerously high amounts.
Realising how much I was struggling, my cousin recommended I get in touch with Roz . At the time I knew very little about what she did but was ready to try anything that may help me. After my first session I felt tired but the next day I felt strangely “lighter”. I continued with the sessions until my heart wall was cleared. Again, I didn’t really know what this meant but the end result has transformed my life.
I feel so calm and content and have zero anxiety. I haven’t felt this way since my early twenties and am still blown away with the results of my sessions. I still don’t fully understand how Roz does what she does but am so grateful for the positive impact she has had on my life. I feel like I’ve gone from wearing debilitating concrete boots to walking on air.
If you are someone who is struggling with mindset, emotions and feelings, I strongly recommend you try this amazing holistic approach. Roz is a wonderful lady, who immediately makes you feel very relaxed. I am generally someone who is sceptical about things I don’t understand, but thankfully I also have an open mind. If I hadn’t, I would still be trying to block my feelings and anxiety with alcohol and continuing in my downward spiral of self destruction.
Furthermore sessions can be done remotely and are therefore readily accessible in these difficult times of restricted movement from place to place. Personally my sessions were done using WhatsApp and as I said were more successful than I could ever have imagined.
I feel like I have a fresh start and the feeling of positivity I now have is a bit alien and weird, but incredibly welcome and liberating. I also have stopped craving alcohol and am looking much healthier as a result.
If you are struggling and nothing else has worked for you, give this a go. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Good luck.